Friday, November 6, 2009

True enemies of brahmins

Who are the true enemies of brahmins?

some brahmins themselves are real enemies of rest of brahmins.I prefer to call these enemies as Hindu mullahs.

Such elements constitute around 3 to 4% of brahmin population. Number of OBC mullahs and FC mullahs too will be similiar.(In my opinion). They bring disrepute and disgrace to the rest of brahmins, rest of hindu castes and entire hindu religion and India itself.

In my opinion such elements dont even qualify to be called as humans.These Hindu mullahs will say the follows

1. They will openly proclaim that brahmins are superior to rest of 3 varnas

2.will openly propogate varnashrama system
3.will call tamil as inferior to sanskrit
4.will say that people who did punya in previous birth are born as brahmins and sinners are born in other 3 varnas
5.will dream of bringing back old varnashrama
6.will openly propogate that people should go back to caste based jobs.
7.Will say that sathi and child marriage should be bought back
8.Will say that eating together with non-brahmins is "theettu"
9.will oppose intercaste marriages, love mariages and women going to work.

Hindu mullahs can be found in all hindu castes.Devar mullahs prevent dalits from pulling temple charriot in kandadevi.Vanniyar mullahs prevent dalits from going in procession in their streets even when they carry dead bodies.

Such enemies should be outcasted immediatly.They should be declared as racists and enemies of humanity and should be packed off to arabia. I would even encourage them to convert into christians or muslims where conservatism is welcomed. Please go and spoil those religions. Dont spoil my religion.

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