Friday, November 6, 2009

True enemies of brahmins

Who are the true enemies of brahmins?

some brahmins themselves are real enemies of rest of brahmins.I prefer to call these enemies as Hindu mullahs.

Such elements constitute around 3 to 4% of brahmin population. Number of OBC mullahs and FC mullahs too will be similiar.(In my opinion). They bring disrepute and disgrace to the rest of brahmins, rest of hindu castes and entire hindu religion and India itself.

In my opinion such elements dont even qualify to be called as humans.These Hindu mullahs will say the follows

1. They will openly proclaim that brahmins are superior to rest of 3 varnas

2.will openly propogate varnashrama system
3.will call tamil as inferior to sanskrit
4.will say that people who did punya in previous birth are born as brahmins and sinners are born in other 3 varnas
5.will dream of bringing back old varnashrama
6.will openly propogate that people should go back to caste based jobs.
7.Will say that sathi and child marriage should be bought back
8.Will say that eating together with non-brahmins is "theettu"
9.will oppose intercaste marriages, love mariages and women going to work.

Hindu mullahs can be found in all hindu castes.Devar mullahs prevent dalits from pulling temple charriot in kandadevi.Vanniyar mullahs prevent dalits from going in procession in their streets even when they carry dead bodies.

Such enemies should be outcasted immediatly.They should be declared as racists and enemies of humanity and should be packed off to arabia. I would even encourage them to convert into christians or muslims where conservatism is welcomed. Please go and spoil those religions. Dont spoil my religion.


Brahmin is the class of educators, law makers, scholars and preachers in Hinduism. It is said to occupy the first position among the four varnas of Hinduism. The English word brahmin is an anglicised form of the Sanskrit word Brāhmana who possesses the 'knowledge.' Brahmins are also called Vipra "learned" or Dvija "twice-born".

Monday, November 2, 2009


Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah,
Sarve Santu Niramaya
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu,
Maa Kaschid Dukhbhag Bhavet

May everybody be happy,
May everybody be free from disease,
May everybody have good luck and
May none fall on evil days.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Shringi Rishi was the legendary Indian Hindu saint or Rishi of sage Kashyapa's lineage. Shringi Rishi was great saint of the Ramayan era of ancient India. His father was great saint Vibhandak Rishi.

[edit] Overview
Shringi Rishi performed 'Putrakameshti Yajya' for King Dashrath of Ayodhya, after that Lord Rama and his three brothers were born. There is an ashram of Shringi Rishi situated at Ayodhya on the banks of Sarayu river near Laxman Ghat.Legend has it that Shringi Rishi cursed King Parikshit for his sinful conduct against rishi Lomash. The boons and curse uttered by him were proved to be absolutely true. Rishi Shringi was a distinguished expert of the super science of mantras. A temple of Shringi Rishi, is also located at Banjar in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, in whose honour a fair is held every year in May. A cave is also located in district Sirmaur near Nahan in Bagthan where he is supposed to have stayed. It is a long cave where he is supposed to do yagna and worth seeing.

Sikhwal (also known as Sukhwal, Shringi) are one of the prominent Brahmin sects of Rajasthani Brahmins who trace their origin from the great sage Rishi Shringi (or Rishi Shring). Rishi Shringi was the son of Sage Vibhandak, himself a highly respected Vedic scholar of Kashyaap linage. Rishi Shringi is credited in Indian mythology as the inventor of ‘Putrakameshti Yagna’, the Vedic sacrifice for begetting a male progeny. This first ever Putrakameshti Yagna was performed by Rishi Shringi for the Suryawanshi Emperor Dashrath of Ayodhya (of Ikshavaku lineage) and the outcome of this Yagna was the birth of Lord Rama, the great Indian God-king and revered ‘Avtaar’ (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu, the powerful god in the holy Hindu trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh. Lord Rama was born with the blessings of the Gods who were appeased by Rishi Shringi with powerful mantras. Three more sons were born to Dashrath besides Rama (born to his eldest Queen, Devi Kaushlya) Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughna born to Devi Sumitra and Devi Kaikayee, the other two Queens of Emperor Dashrath.

The Yagna was an elaborate affair spreading over twelve days and was performed with much fanfare befitting its uniqueness. The legend has it that Emperor Dashrath’s only daughter, the beautiful young Princess Shanta, who was actively involved in the organizing of the Yagna, fell in love with the handsome and scholarly young sage Shringi. Her brother, Emperor Dashrath understood her feelings and on the occasion of ‘Poornaahuti’ (final sacrifice offered to gods, announcing the completion of Yagna process) proposed royal princess Shanta’s hand in marriage to Rishi Shringi. They were married and had eight sons and many daughters. All the sons born out of the alliance were highly respected for their knowledge of the holy Vedas and involved themselves in scholarly pursuits. Their descendants were later organized into the sub-sect of Brahmins, called Sikhwal Brahmins (also known as Sukhwal, Shringi Brahmins)

Though Rishi Shringi was a Brahmin and Princess Shanta was born to Suryawanshi Kshatriya family, such alliances were not very uncommon in the era as both Brahmins and Kshatriya communities represented the elite class of the Hindu society.

Cities of Jaipur, Ajmer, Kota and Udaipur and many other places in Rajasthan, Kolkota in West Bengal, Hyderabad and Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh, Mumbai, Nasik, Jalgaon, Akola, Amravati, Latur and other places in Maharashtra have a significant presence of Sikhwal Brahmin population. Today, the Sikhwals are spread all over India and also in USA and Europe.

Other prominent Rajasthani Brahmin sub-sects are Gaur, Gujar-Gaur, Daima (also called Dayama or Dadeech), Pareek, Khandelwal (not to be confused with the ‘Vaisha’ community of the same name) and Saraswat Brahmins.

In Rajasthan the other five castes i.e. Guar, Gujar-Gaur, Daima, Pareek and Khandelwal [not vaisha] together form Chh-Nyatee Bhai. Though they do not marry among themselves, but share a strong social bonding and invite each other on all auspicious occasions. In Pushkar near Ajmer in state of Rajasthan, India, Sikhwal Brahmins have an inn and a temple dedicated to Shringi Rishi.

Shringi Rishi Ashram

40 Km away from Faizabad after reaching Gosaiganj and 8 Km from Bandanpur there is a Market called Mehbubganj you reach to Sherwaghat.There is also an ashram of Shringi Rishi.
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Under the Indian caste system, a Brahmin is a member of the highest caste. Priests and scholars are classified as Brahmins, and members of this caste have traditionally been figures of veneration and respect. The high ranking caste has traditionally held a great deal of power over Indian society, with many laws and social norms being instituted by the Brahmins. This may have been an act of self-preservation on the part of early members of the caste, although it was probably justified by arguing that Brahmins were highly educated and thus able to interpret the will of the gods accurately.